Caring for your succulent creations!
It is our mission to provide different and unique succulent combinations to keep our products special. As our crops mature at different times, the combinations in each container may vary throughout the year. Since our facility grows approximately 200 succulent varieties, it is difficult to provide specific information on each, however the following information will assist in caring for you Theut's Flower Barn succulent creation.
Light - When indoors, succulents prefer a bright light which can be provided from a south window. If placed outdoors, most varieties require at leas a half day of sunlight. Avoid hot midday sun as some species may scorch. If this happens, the leaves will turn brown or white as the plant bleaches out and the soft tissue is destroyed. Alternatively, succulents that do not receive enough sun will begin to stretch.
Temperature - The ideal temperature for a succulent is between 70 and 85*F during the day, and 50 to 55*F at night. Succulents can survive temperatures as low as 35 to 40*F for a short period of time. Since succulents hold water in their leaves, if the temperature becomes too low, they will freeze and may be destroyed. Watering - During hotter months, succulents may require more water than normal. Wreathes and frames may require watering once a week, depending on how much sunlight it is receiving. In cooler months, succulents can go weeks without watering. Succulents do not like to have "wet feet", so over-watering, which can cause root rot, is the single most common cause of plant failure. It is best to water thoroughly and leave until the item becomes dry. The following can be used as a guide when watering different succulent creations: * Wreaths and Frames: Water only when soil is completely dry. Immerse in water for up to 15 minutes (depending on the size). Allow to dry slightly before returning to original location. If hanging on a wall, pat excess water off with a paper towel. * Terrariums: Since terrariums do not have drainage, use caution when watering. Depending on the size, water with one tablespoon, or more, until soil is moist down to the base of the roots. Allow soil to dry between watering. * Moss Containers: Products made of moss all have separate inserts that hold the plants, so watering the moss container is not needed. Water the plants thoroughly when the soil is dry and allow to dry between watering. * All Other Containers: Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch. Allow soil to dry in between watering. Some containers have a drain hole in the bottom, so be sure to check yours before returning to original location to avoid unwanted water leakage. |